Employo – Be Careful Statement
Due to the rise in fraud and scams across the globe, it is important to understand that by registering with Employo for use of this website or to enlist the support of a recruiter you will never be asked for:

Fees of any kind we are a completely free service and no school that is hiring using Employo requires fees paid by candidates.

Bank account details a Employo recruiter does not require your bank account details at any time. Schools advertising on Employo do not require your bank account details at the time of application, or ahead of interviewing or commencing. Payroll setup is a secure process handled by the schools hiring you. It is normally done on your first day(s) on the job in the school. At no time is it common for an employer to call, text or email you for your bank details.

Money Transfers Employo does not run payroll for candidates who secure work through our recruitment service or online platform. Teachers are paid by the school or authority governing the school. In the recruitment process you will never be paid to apply for a job, or be given an advance or any such finance incentive ahead of commencing and performing work. Any request do to so is likely to access your bank details and is a scam.

Driver’s license Employo does not require your driver’s License. You will be required to provide this information to a school that hires you but you should only provide your driver’s licence after you have accepted a formal offer of employment.

Tax file number You will only be required to share this information once you have accepted a genuine offer and are being onboarded through a school’s human resource division or equivalent. Employo Username and Password – You will never be asked by a school, or member of Employo for your Employo credentials.